Meth and House Cleaning

If you have ever met or known a meth head, you might have noticed that they tend to Meth and House Cleaninghave really clean houses. This is not because they all of a sudden become particularly concerned about how clean everything is, but because hyperactivity is part of the side effects of being high on methamphetamine. Hyperactivity makes the person so active and have such a need to keep moving that they tend to accomplish huge amounts of work in a small amount of time. There is no time to sit and think about what you will do or how it will get done. The brain, for all intents and purposes, is turned off.

Meth heads, like all drug addicts, cause a lot of pain and suffering to those who know them and to loved ones who care about them. While everyone wants to believe the best about humanity, many people just don’t understand how little they can trust an addict once the addict has become fully focused on meeting their addiction need at the cost of everything else. We all have inner boundaries over which we will never cross if it means hurting someone else. But the mind of a drug addict or alcoholic is different. They have a need for the substance they are abusing, and nothing, in their minds, feels as good or as safe or as steady as satisfying that need. Therefore, nothing is as valuable as satisfying that need.

This is not to say that anyone deliberately sets out to become an addict with the intention of hurting others. In many cases, the hurting is still not deliberate even after it is inflicted. It is simply part of how their brains works, and friends and family members must realize this.

Employee drug and alcohol testing helps to prevent this abuse from regularly occurring in the workplace environment. Mediscreen is accredited by NATA for medical testing, which means that our specialty of onsite drug and alcohol screening is unparalleled. We can bring you the finest workplace drug testing right there onsite, and we are very determined to deliver quality care and professional treatment to your employees. To set up an appointment, call Mediscreen today: (+61) 1300 79 70 40.

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