Meat and Drug Avoidance

Drug Alcohol Testing, Onsite Drug And Alcohol ScreeningWith due respect to any vegetarians in our audience, this article is about the health benefits of meat, specifically red meat, including the benefits of meat’s particular types of protein and how these benefits can aid in reducing cravings for drugs or alcohol. Protein is very important and is necessary to build healthy cells. While some people strive to receive their required amount of protein from nuts and legumes, red meat contains selenium, vitamin B12, vitamin A, and folic acid, all of which are required in cell reproduction and in children who are growing.

Drug and alcohol testing is most often given to aid the workplace, although it can also be administered within a family environment, and it is implemented for the jobsite in expectation of employees who may be using drugs or alcohol, or who may already be addicted to these substances. It is a good idea to understand what types of food, including red meat, which can help in reducing cravings and in making the body feel better so that the individual is less likely to use or abuse these substances, especially around the workplace.

Meat contributes to a low glycemic index due to its high protein and low carbohydrate properties, which is considered to be a positive attribute, especially in treating overweight or obese individuals. In fact, these are the properties which caused meat to become the staple food for the “induction” stage of the famous Atkin’s diet. When losing weight, if an individual weighs more than 300 lbs, they are recommended to use the initial induction stage of the diet which causes rapid fat loss over a very short period of time, due to only eating proteins and water, and very little else. Dieters are instructed to only eat meat, cheese, and smaller amounts of foods high in protein in order to send their body into an elevated state of ketosis, where their bodies convert fat directly into energy.

Meat helps your employees feel better, which reduces their likelihood of indulging in habits or addiction while on the jobsite. It may be a good idea to have quality snack food around your workplace for those for whom that would matter. Call Mediscreen today for information about onsite drug and alcohol testing on your jobsite: (+61) 1300 79 70 40.

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