I Could Love Again

Heartbreak being one of the more prevalent reasons for the beginnings of drug and

I Could Love Again

alcohol abuse, it is fitting that we should devote an entire article to the subject. While many of us get over past loves without too much difficulty, many of us also take it to heart and can’t see past today or tomorrow at the latest. It’s too much. We are too overwhelmed, even after a lot of time has passed. Unfortunately, drug and alcohol abuse can lead to more heartbreak, so that may not be the path which you may wish to take.

What happens when you are really gun shy? What happens when you can’t bring yourself to trust again? That is the situation when you do not allow yourself enough time between loves and enough time between rests. You must give yourself the necessary amount of time, and not be around those who would pressure you, to heal so that when your next love comes along, you’re not untrusting, suspicious, or worried.

Business, however, is not quite regulated in this manner. You need to be able to rely upon your employees and if one of them abuses illicit substances while at work, you must have a plan in place for dealing with them appropriately. If you need to fire them immediately, then do so. If your company offers a multiple-strike policy, then you still need to make sure that their record has been properly documented. In either case, you need drug and alcohol testing. Mediscreen provides NATA AS4308 and AS4760 Australia wide. We provide pre-employment screenings and regular drug screen tests. We bring this service to your place of business, where you and your employees work, screen them, and deliver our results to you. Workforce testing has never been so easy.

It is important, if you happen to know the employee in question, to understand that heartbreak can be only temporary, but that substance abuse masks the pain (rather than feeling it) and thus drags the pain out ad nauseum until the substance abuse really sets in permanently. Therefore, it is of primary importance to handle broken hearts in a systematic and proper way in the beginning, so that it doesn’t turn into a lifestyle down the line: (+61) 1300 79 70 40.

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