Wallowing in Misery

Nice, uplifting article title, isn’t it? Yet, we all know people who enjoyWallowing in Miserywallowing in misery, and we cannot fathom why on earth they would do such things. It seems that they are choosing depression over happiness or misery over love. To normal people, those who wallow are degenerate and weak…when in fact they are merely suffering. It is not merely good enough to grow up in a family with high emotional intelligence. You must have it yourself. If you fail to develop it early on in life, when you were supposed to receive it, then you may find yourself growing up and getting new life experience further and further, having less and less ability to cope with it. Pretty soon, even if you wanted to learn how to grow up as a normal adult, you are still unable to do so, because you cannot tell when the problems first began and you are not sure where exactly they were located. Then, the source of the problem is disguised and distorted and you find yourself even more at a loss as to where to begin dealing with your under-developed past.

Misery loves company, or so they say, but in fact people need to feel that they are not alone in their misery. This is because they need to not feel alone, period. They are not looking to drag anybody else down into the mire with them. They are looking to find someone who is just as unhappy as they are, so that they are reassured that they are not freaks of nature or abnormal in today’s world.

Today, companies do various things to help people feel included in the workplace. They engage in company sports, form creative teams, and treat everyone as an equal as much as possible. What is standard for one person is standard for everyone. This includes workplace drug testing. Onsite drug and alcohol screening is designed specifically to test all employees fairly and equally, so that any aberrations in the testing methods show up across a large cross section of employees, rather than targeting specific individuals. Call Mediscreen today for more information about onsite drug and alcohol screening, and workplace drug testing laws: (+61) 1300 79 70 40.

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