To Care Or Not To Care

Apathy is prevalent in our society. If you went around asking various people about politics, religion, global warming, or a host of other social issues, a To Care Or Not To Caregreat many of them would flat out tell you, “I don’t care about that stuff.”

Of course it is everyone’s prerogative whether to care or not about issues, but more and more youngsters are becoming more apathetic when it comes to decisions that have the potential to harm them down the road.

Let’s take alcohol for instance. Alcohol use among teens is growing in Australia with really no alcohol testing implemented at school or home. Alcohol parties partnered with peer pressure makes it more difficult to say no when it comes to drinking. Even though teens know that drinking can lead to serious negative consequences, they still choose to drink- and many drink heavily.

As teens grow into young adults, many of them outgrow the “party” stage and settle down into careers and life in general with no major bumps. Others- especially those who have an addictive nature- continue to party and come to rely on alcohol far too much. Whether they drink to kill pain, feel more social, or just because their friends are doing it, the effect it has on them in the long run is not good.

Alcoholism affects millions of men and women in Australia. Some alcoholics are considered “functioning” addicts because they can consume alcohol and still maintain a job, relationships, and pretty much function like someone who is not drinking. For full-fledged addicts, the disease of alcoholism will gradually bring their world down. They may begin to drink at work and make a fatal mistake. They may get drunk at home and not take care of the kids. They may become intoxicated and do something illegal. The bottom line is that their drinking will cause negative consequences.

This is why businesses and organizations ought to have alcohol screening and alcohol testing onsite. It is important to know that the quality of your employees is at the highest level and alcohol does impair brain function considerably. By testing your current employees randomly for alcohol, you will be able to assure higher safety standards for your company.

Mediscreen provides mobile, onsite alcohol and drug testing services to small and large businesses in Australia. It is convenient and we take care of everything for you. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to implement such important safety measures for your employees and your company. For more information about alcohol and drug testing, call (+61) 1300 79 70 40.

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