Self Views and Employee Drug Abuse

Self Views and Employee Drug AbuseOur views of ourselves affect everything around us. We perceive things to either be harmless or to be threatening, not based upon the objects or movements in question, but based upon our own view of ourselves and how we relate to the world. We perceive that some things are easier said than done, and some things are easier done than said, for each of us as individuals. Not one group under the sun can look at itself and know for sure that it is free from all prejudice or all fear, because these things are relative to each person on their own, and therefore cannot be guaranteed among a group of people. Naturally, it is nice when a large group are agreed upon the things they came together for, but it not even required in these circumstances, either. Dissenters come to political forums and community events, alike.

Workplace drug testing is necessary because some people see themselves as so incapable of doing anything effectively or having normal lives that they seek the solace of drug abuse or alcoholism in order to hide or mask their pain. It should be noted here that this not take the pain away at all. It does not relieve the pain in any way nor does it reduce it by any amount. It simply masks the pain and covers it for a fleeting instance, but once the mask or drug is removed, all of the pain comes back, full force, to torment the person in question. After they have abused drugs or alcohol for some time, they develop an inability to handle even a little bit of this pain, and therefore attempt to always mask it or cover it up in some way so that they don’t have to deal with it.

Onsite drug and alcohol testing not only brings the process of correct, unbiased employee evaluation to your business, but it does so in a safe, efficient way so that your workers do not have to travel out of their way to be screened. This is convenient, and therefore more pleasant, for everyone. It also requires a great deal of good judgment and highly skilled screening on our part, which we take very seriously. To ask us more about onsite drug and alcohol testing, call Mediscreen today: (+61) 1300 79 70 40.

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