Social Norms versus Market Norms

In Dan Ariely’s book, Predictably Irrational, he discusses how people have, at the same time, relationships with social norms and relationships Social Norms versus Market Normswith market norms. What does that mean? In this fascinating text about human behavior, Ariely describes how people will help each other out for free, like helping someone move their couch out of their old apartment. This is a social norm. Also, people will go to work and get paid to do their job. This is a market norm, and it is entirely money based. However, if you try to mix market and social norms, you find yourself in a particularly sticky situation. For instance, the author describes what might happen if you go to Christmas dinner at your mother-in-law’s house and try to pay her for all of the hard work she put into the meal. That is a case of mixing social and market norms, and will guarantee you a missing invitation at next year’s Christmas.

Well, you shouldn’t do it, anyway. (smile)

Even drug addicts and long term alcoholics can find that social norms force them to behave particularly well when among friends and family members. However, the moment that things switch to money based systems, the addict in question can throw all caution to the wind and start to see exactly what they can get away with.

Onsite drug and alcohol testing is part of a system where you can truly and accurately evaluate your employees. There is no better or more objective approach in science today to really see if any of your workers are abusing substances. Because it is work, in their minds, they may not see it as a betrayal of you or your business. It’s just business. Well, that means that they may try more than once to get away with that, and this can end up costing them their jobs, which is as it should be, since your main goal is to protect the safety of your other workers and to protect your business assets, both financial and otherwise. Mediscreen brings onsite drug and alcohol screening to your business and screens your employees for you. There is nothing we would like better than to prove our worth to you. Call us today: (+61) 1300 79 70 40.

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