Onsite Testing Services Free Up Space

Drug Testing Equipment, Drug Test PerthAs you are going about your business operations, you begin to understand how important space is. Whether you lease an office building for your employees to work, or you own land on which your employees perform their labor, without this space you would not have a place upon which to earn a living or for any of your employees to earn a living either. Whether it is an airfield, a privately owned park, or a business office, space is important and it costs a great deal of money, especially if you use a lot of space. Onsite drug and alcohol testing services allow your employees to be tested on their own jobsite, without having to travel to and from work. This saves on petrol, on time, on effort and it saves on money. However, onsite drug testing also saves on space. How is this so?

Laboratories can cost more than onsite drug testing services because they also have to pay for space. However, with Mediscreen, all of Australia can be serviced without having to pay for this extra space in laboratories. Laboratory costs can be higher because they have to charge you for the amount of space they take up, too. With Mediscreen, you and all of your employees will be tested on your own jobsite and all of their records will be stored at your place of business, which you are already paying for. We do not have to store your records, which means that we do not even have to pay for a location, and this will be reflected in the charges which we give to you.

Employee drug and alcohol testing is a necessary expense, and employee records take up necessary space, so why not use space which you are already paying for, and we will offer you competitive prices for the privilege and honor of performing employee drug and alcohol screening on your jobsite. We wish to help you in protecting your assets, keeping yourself and your employees safe, and in identifying any potentially problematic situations. We are mobile and we are effective. Call Mediscreen today: (+61) 1300 79 70 40.

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