One to Five People

One to Five PeopleWhen you have a really small business that only has one to five employees working in it, the need for workplace drug testing seem very small indeed. In fact, many people would say that it is not necessary at all, since everyone knows each other really well, they work in such small circumstances, and their ability to see any changes in each other’s mood or behavior is considerably higher. Of course, some businesses which are this small still use employee drug and alcohol testing, but this is usually if it is not a family business. Within family business’, it is considered inappropriate to have individual members of the company tested at all, since it detracts from the social norms and produces a marked raise in market or money based norms.

Well, if you have ever seen an intern, they are frequently told to dress for the job they want to have in the future. Their appearance and demeanor matches their future prospective job and this helps them to have the attitude and mindset for attaining that future position. Now, when companies employing numbers as small as one to five use drug and alcohol testing on a regular basis, they are acting like larger businesses, and planning for the growth by treating their employees as if they already work at one of those large companies.

In family owned operations which do not use these tactics, growth can end up being slower, but the employees can be more dependable over the long run because family members will not want to entrust their precious company in the hands of people who seem to be untrustworthy or who do not carry their own weight.

Mediscreen takes this process a step further by allowing your employees to be testing right there onsite, at your place of business, no matter how small it is, so that you can quickly get back to the operation of your company. Onsite drug and alcohol testing is especially useful for this, and we highly recommend our services, even if your business only employees five people or less. It helps to dress for success, as they say. Call Mediscreen today: (+61) 1300 79 70 40.

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