Labor Intensive Jobs

Workplace Drug Testing, Drug Testing EquipmentWhether you are working in a high hazard industry or you just work in a labor intensive job, this type of work tends to go to tend specific individuals who possess certain specialties. For instance, if you enjoy an intellectual challenge as well as muscular grunt work, then you are most likely to be put in a supervisory, data configuration and confirmation, or quality specialist type of work. This means that you have an opportunity to use your mathematical skills and data configuration skills, while also putting your in a position of labor intensive work.

Labor intensive jobs tend to be filled by people who enjoy both the brain work and the muscle work, and this goes against certain stereotypes of employed workers in the “roughneck” industry and those who are said to not have the mental facilities for such work. On the contrary, it has been found that high hazard industry employees must possess basic minimum intellectual competence in order to safely and effectively complete their jobs, especially considering some of the working conditions for which they must be prepared. Everyone’s safety depends upon their mental competence. This is why employee drug and alcohol testing is such an important part of labor intensive jobs. Handling heavy machinery, being responsible for a team of employees, dealing with methane meters and potentially dangerous working zones, and documenting research data correctly all require clear headed thinking. In fact, the more dangerous or labor intensive the position, the more important it is that all the employees pay attention to the work and that they are responsible for their own lives, as well as the lives of others. How does the level of labor intensive status affect this? Employees who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol still have the capability of moving machinery or using their muscle to create a great deal of force. When this power is misused, even a safe working environment can turn dangerous.

Mediscreen helps keep all types of employees safe with our onsite drug and alcohol screening services. It is important that you identify the ones who are potentially putting their coworkers and you in danger. Call us today: (+61) 1300 79 70 40.

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