Internal Motivation

Drug & Alcohol Testing, Alcohol testingInternal and external motivations are counterproductive to each other. The two phenomena exist in two different worlds and attract two very different types of people. External motivation attracts individuals who are in need of a quick and temporary fix to their problems, who do not have the internal strength to follow through on their own incentives, and who dislike the tasks before them to such an extent that they need a secondary reason for performing the tasks, other than the reasons they already possess. Internal motivation attracts individuals who enjoy working for the sake of doing a good job rather than simply for money, who value employment outside of the monetary benefits they receive, who are very self disciplined and highly skilled, and who exercise better personal relation skills in order to make working enjoyable for as many people as possible.

More than just presenting numbers and data, employee drug and alcohol screening is able to identify which of your employees are internally motivated and which are externally motivated. After all, if they did not need external stimuli, they would not be abusing alcohol or drugs on or near the jobsite in the first place. Of course, this is all very general supposition, but it does serve as an interesting indicator. Would you not wish to have more internally motivated employees, who enjoy their work and do extra tasks in order to improve your company, and not just to win some office prize or receive time and a half compensation?

Interestingly enough, internal motivation is best developed in workplaces where external motivation is decreased or eliminated altogether. It is possible to turn an employee onto purely external motivation if you give them enough extraneous compensation for their tasks. In fact, under those circumstances, it is found to highly counterproductive. In order to complete the work for the sake of love for the work, the individual must exercise enormous amounts of self control and must hardly allow themselves to be aware of the additional compensation. This is unfortunate, since many companies believe that their workers are motivated best when offered extraneous incentives over which to compete.

Onsite drug and alcohol screening brings the assessment of external and internal motivation to your fingertips, with all of the convenience of a mobile operation. Call Mediscreen today: (+61) 1300 79 70 40.

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