How Drug Abuse Continues In a Lifetime

Alcohol testing, Alcohol Drug TestingIn a study on young adult drug abuse, it was found that childhood and adolescent drug abuse and aggression were directly correlated with drug abuse and violence in adulthood. Drug abuse may be used experimentally by teens and then discarded when the period of adolescent rebellion/experimentation is at an end. However, when childhood and teen behavior is repetitive and displays an underlying aggression and inability to handle everyday problems, then it is very likely that adult employees will continue this destructive cycle, simply because it is all they know and it resides safely within their comfort zones. They simply feel more comfortable when aggressing and being high than they do when these are not the case, and in such cases alternative lifestyles may not have been shown to them for long periods of time. When they are not exposed to alternative paths for long stretches of time as children or teens, they are not likely to even recognize normal, appropriate social behavior in others. They may also be likely to reject appropriate behavior as being “judgmental” and they can become very defensive about how they interact socially with others, especially if they have a history of aggression and expressive emotional instability. Workplace drug testing is necessary because it identifies potentially unsafe employees and allows their employer to monitor their progress through improvement or regression.

Employee drug and alcohol testing is meant to help employers make informed decisions about who they will keep on as employees and who they will let go due to safety hazards and inappropriate behavior on the jobsite. Some companies fire employees after three positive test results, and some companies have a zero tolerance policy. Company policy, the nature of your industry as a whole, and the potential for interaction with clients are all factors which must be considered when choosing to fire. Employees who have juvenile records displaying aggression or long-term drug abuse over more than four years are the most likely to have recurring abuse as adults. For your business, Mediscreen offers onsite drug and alcohol testing services, convenient all over Western Australia. Contact us today: (+61) 1300 79 70 40.

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