Example by Family

Onsite Drug And Alcohol Screening, Workplace Drug Testing LawsIt is impossible for children not to inherit both genetic and behavioral traits from their parents. Even in the case of adopted children, genetic traits can strongly determine behavior, taste in clothing, body movements, and cultural gestures. Not only are we directly affected by our parents, but we are strongly influenced by all members of our family who live with us. Habits are not most easily formed by doing something 41 days in a row. Habits are most easily and subconsciously formed by living with someone who already has those habits. Thus, if the parents of your employees have a history of drug abuse or alcoholism, then you have good cause to regularly drug test your employees.

Behavioral influence

The first thing we learn as children is how to copy and mimic our beloved mommy and daddy. Even when we are old enough to understand the damaging influence of drugs or alcohol, if our parents automatically turn to these substances during times of remote conflict or stress, we see it subconsciously as a solution, even if consciously we know it not to be.

Environmental influence

We are affected by people around us who we look up to and admire, even if they are engaging in personally destructive behavior. When our family or our circumstances place us in a position of being around drunks or addicts who are charming or have a seemingly positive influence on us, then we become susceptible to changes in boundaries. Our perspective on what is good for us and what might harm us becomes distorted and warped.

Genetic influence

As our bodies are formed during conception, whatever nutrients our parents are lacking we may find ourselves lacking, as well. This, combined with perhaps a multi-generational predisposition for addiction, can significantly increase your chances of picking up and maintaining an addiction in your own lifetime. Unfortunately, parents do not always stop this cycle before they have children of their own.

Workplace drug and alcohol testing keeps all of these influences from touching your company. With employee testing, you are able to determine who is under the influence and who is not. Keep your company safe. Call Mediscreen today: (+61) 1300 79 70 40.

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