Drug Testing as a Part of Your OHS Policy

Onsite Drug And Alcohol ScreeningMany businesses are now favoring the inclusion of drug testing procedures as a part of their Occupational Health and Safety Policy. Over the past decade, a rise in litigation and a more acute responsibility in terms of duty of care has meant Australian Industry has been required to keep abreast of such changes. In order to minimize work-related accidents and disharmony and to maintain a safe and secure workplace environment in keeping with changes to legislation, drug testing has become an important component of OHS.

The scope of any OHS policy needs to be free from bias and the potential for discrimination.[1] A management approach that places equality and objectivity at the core of the drug testing component of its policy will be viewed most favorably by employees, unions, management and the industry as a whole. It should also be applicable to everyone within the workplace in order to set a benchmark for non-bias that can withstand rigorous consideration or inspection by third parties.

Mediscreen understands the need for a drug testing approach that is easy, unbiased and free from the possibility of adulteration and corruption. Its methods are smart, streamlined and cost-effective, offering a value-adding alternative to complicated in-house testing programs that disrupt profit, human resources and chain of operations. In addition, Mediscreen offers a unique approach to general health and wellbeing, “imbuing its services with positive motivational drivers that cultivate a culture supportive of OHS compliance.”[2]

An outsourced drug and alcohol testing programme such as Mediscreen’s is suitable across a range of industries from transport through to mining and aviation. An openness and willingness to listen to your needs and requirements is at the heart of the Mediscreen approach, and your organisation will be supplied with a Mediscreen Coordinator who works closely with you to achieve and maintain this result. The 24/7 availability for screening means Mediscreen is also able to deliver your testing regime requirements with the kind of flexibility that gives you the edge in efficiency and cost-effective practices. Fully trained collectors are available throughout Australia in both metropolitan and regional areas to service your business.

As a component part of your OHS approach to AOD’s, Mediscreen also offers comprehensive training and information sessions for managers, union delegates and staff. These can be organized Australia wide and are conducted by experts who understand the need for an OHS drug and alcohol testing policy that is informed, comprehensive and accords with all current Australian standards in relation to cutoffs and procedures.

The Mediscreen team is available to help you achieve maximum objectivity, efficiency and professionalism in relation to your Drug and Alcohol Policy.

Call Mediscreen on 1300 79 70 40.



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