Creating Evolving and Resilient Business Systems

Alcohol Drug Testing, Drug Alcohol Testing,  Onsite Drug And Alcohol ScreeningHow do you build flexibility into your business model? Aren’t business models out of date and something that you write up and stick on a shelf somewhere? In the past, business models have been used primarily for start-up companies and for gaining start-up or business management investment. Business models should not be limited to investment situations, however. They can be used dynamically, in changing company growth, to create a solid foundation with flexibility for change and innovation built right into the system. Fortunately, employee drug and alcohol testing is a part of both flexible and stationary business process, bringing safety and assurance to all types of businesses.

Imperative modeling

Imperative approaches to business process development are stationary business systems built on a pre planned approach to the company growth. Imperative modeling is not the most effective form of business advertising, growth in innovation, resistance to change blindness, or cost reduction. Necessarily, businesses must allow and implement change and alterations within their company process plan, and they should review their goals and current status within the market every six months to a year. Onsite drug and alcohol screening is available for all types of stationary, imperative business modeling, since our own flexibility allows us to fit our schedule and training of your employees into your plan.

Declarative modeling

There are two types of declarative modeling within business process plans. First, there is semi-imperative system, where the shell of the model is stationary, but the employees, managers and executives within the model can move about at will and exercise more control over how they conduct business. In this model, the strength lies in creating a system but avoiding people management. The end results or goals are established and made clear to the users, but they may go about accomplishing this task in any way they choose.

Secondarily, there is more completely flexible declarative modeling goal, which only sets down guidelines for starting and building the initial stages of the company, but the model itself may be altered by employees and, while methods are being evolved to achieve end goals, the end goals themselves are up for discussion and change. This is where the business continuously evolves their purpose for existing or their definition of why they are in operation. An excellent example of this is Google, a company which often alters their purpose to include new markets and new revenue sources. In both of these declarative models, workplace drug testing can be used as a regular predetermined part of the business model or as an ever changing growth process which the company evolves and uses more and more.

Mediscreen offers onsite drug and alcohol testing services for any type of business model you employ or are thinking of employing. Contact us today: (+61) 1300 79 70 40.

“A Declarative Approach for Flexible Business Processes Management.” SpringerLink. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2011.

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