A New Breed of Lady

A New Breed of LadyAs a female, the author pays attention to the news surrounding women and business, and has noticed some patterns which seem to be arising among professional women. No longer is it considered modern to act like a man in the workplace, but it is now the newest thing to return to the field which all women have the potentiality to rule: that of being a lady.

Being a lady doesn’t mean being uptight or reserved or emotionless, like many people think it does. It also does not mean being snobby or high and mighty. No, the reputation of ladylike behavior is finally returning to the business world and among powerful women again, and it is the same reputation that it has always has. A lady is poised, graceful, tactful, and benevolent.

The art and power of being a lady reminds us women that, while we are equal in the workplace and in all other areas of life, it is good to have some of that old fashioned chivalry left. Women after all are not men. Our greatest strengths and resiliencies lie in our womanhood, our femininity, and our ability to understand the spirit of a situation at the same time that we are becoming acquainted with the facts of it.

The new breed of lady has arisen. Women are appreciating our roots more and more. We know that we have equal rights and equal voting. Now, we can get back to being the girls that we are. There is no shame in this, as the message used to be. Now, it is important that we maintain this dignity.

But, dignity fails in the face of addiction. Women everywhere can fall victim to drug abuse or alcoholism just as easily as men. It is necessary to keep our workplaces clean of this sort of unprofessional and potentially dangerous behavior. If working around anyone, a person should be in complete control of their own mind. That is why drug and alcohol testing is the pinnacle of the business marketplace. Without on site drug and alcohol screening, things would not be nearly as safe or as well ordered. For the sake of your own business and professionalism everywhere, call Mediscreen today: (+61) 1300 79 70 40.

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