What Begins in High School Can Stay in the Adult World

High school is notoriously a time of experimentation, and of course students are more likely to experiment in high school than at anyWhat Begins in High School Can Stay in the Adult World other time of their lives. High school is a civilization within a civilization, where students form their own tiny world and their own tiny places in life, and begin to differentiate themselves from their parents in more effective means.

Most teenagers experiment and test out both drugs and alcohol and, while this can be a time of discovery and learning, this can also turn into a bit of codependency. Since high school is a test run of the real world, students are encouraged to try out their social experiments and learn how to make and retain friends and relationships during a time when they will not be held permanently accountable for their actions. If, however, a student finds themselves in a position where they do not wish to grow and learn, drugs and alcohol are quite easily available to them. They can simply cop out and not learn how to deal with life itself. This easy availability of an easy way out becomes even more problematic when the individual reaches adulthood and finds that they not only cannot survive appropriately in the real world, but that they also do not even have the tools which would help them to learn how to survive.

It is at this stage of the game that adults tend to turn in one of two directions. They either turn around and use their developed skills to interact with the real world and step up to each level of learning and become continually learning adults, or they learn how to barely survive and barely get by and barely fulfill the minimum requirements for existence.

Mediscreen provides onsite drug and alcohol testing for any type of business which you may have. Our goals are to assist you in your drug testing plans, and to do this onsite where your business can exploit the greatest amount of time efficiency and money retention. Workplace drug testing laws are even required in some companies and industries, and this is where onsite drug and alcohol screening can really be beneficial. Call Mediscreen today: (+61) 1300 79 70 40.

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