The Feeling of Accomplishment

When you do something which is internally motivated, or which at least ends up being internally motivated, you recognize that warm, satisfied feeling of Workplace Drug Testingaccomplishment afterward. You feel as if your life is in control, and as if you can do anything since you have that warm knowing intelligence that you can conquer at least that one problem. When such things are prevalent in your way of thinking, life does not seem to present hardly any problems.

Why is this the case?

In your brain, your mental habits are formed by repeated thoughts, and the more you repeat a thought, the stronger it becomes. There is a neural pathway which links the mental habitual process, a starting spark and an ending spark between your neurons. However, if your mental habit is properly ingrained, then you will find yourself getting easier and easier at thinking in a certain way until it becomes a habit. When this happens in your brain, the starting spark immediately fires the ending spark, with no pathway needed in between.

Now, that’s what we call an automated process.

In employees who suffer from alcohol and drug abuse, this is often an ongoing addiction. To help with this, the pattern must either be broken or sufficiently interrupted. A worker can do this if they decide to put their job first, and their addiction second. However, even employees with the best of intentions can still return to their old habits if they find themselves in even a slightly stressful situation. Anger returns, resentment returns, and being out of control returns. This is a process which requires careful monitoring, and you can only do that through the use of employee drug and alcohol testing. Workplace drug testing really is a time saver here, because you do not need to personally know each employee. That would be impossible at a large company, anyway. Use alcohol and drug testing to determine who is breaking and who has their decisions completely under control. Drug testing in Australia is easy and simple with Mediscreen. For more information about using high quality testing in your own company, call us today: (+61) 1300 79 70 40.

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