Staying Still

Stillness is a learned art. For some people who are introverted and quiet, stillness comes easily, but it is still a learned art. To still Staying Staying StillStillyour mind requires concentration, deliberation, and tons of self discipline. It means that you must relax, allow your thoughts to leave you, and to feel a feeling in the pit of your stomach similar to heartache. It is depth of insight. It is beautiful.

Staying still is especially difficult for people who are naturally outgoing and often feed off of the energy of other people being around them. Staying still seems to be impossible for them, because they thrive in crowds, not alone.

Stillness can take that lonely feeling away, though. It can help you see things so clearly. It can bring peace to your universe.

When employees lack an appropriate amount of stillness, they become easily distracted, emotionally drained, and similar to zombies which are performing their tasks like automatons. Stillness is required for the soul and the mind to regenerate themselves. Stillness regulates the emotions. Stillness brings physical function back to life.

When your workers lack stillness in their personal lives, they attempt to regain it through just about any number of methods. Humans cannot live without this quiet, and the predictability of stillness being present. If the methods they try don’t work, they may resort to drugs and alcohol to quiet their nerves. This does not bring stillness, but it brings numbness, and for many people, that feels good enough.

Alcohol testing is great for actively drunk employees who are on or near the jobsite. Drug screening must be done on a regular basis, since it is not always clear when someone is high. Onsite drug and alcohol testing is available for employees and businesses which need to exercise a little more stillness and quiet over their worksites. Drug and alcohol testing is part of bringing peace and quiet to your job and to your workers’ jobs. It is part of maintaining safety, which is a form of stillness. Safety is regulated in some industries, but some companies in other industries must take the initiative to implement workplace drug testing. Call Mediscreen today to implement testing methods: (+61) 1300 79 70 40.

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