Social Order from High School

Workplace Drug Testing LawsWhether you were publicly educated, privately educated, or homeschooled, you are familiar with the common social order among the ranks of teens, and there are few deviations from it in real life, especially among a group of people who have been together for a while, such as a group of employees. For fun, let us review some of the larger categories: the jocks and cheerleaders, the rich elite, the regular athletics, the rockers, the prep school kids, the goths, and the geeks. It is sometimes okay to be in between two of these groups, as long as you can successfully pull off both parts. Otherwise, you are demoted to the weaker of the two options.

In the real world (as if high school were not real enough for some of us), ins and outs of social navigation and communication are much easier, but that is only when individuals are not immature enough to still be tied to high school drama. In the job market, everyone is for themselves and if they do not fully cooperate with company policies, they are fired. While I could have made a category for “stoners” in the above paragraph, it is quite true that students from every category abuse both drugs and alcohol and so therefore cannot be exempted from the possibilities of bad employees.

Sometimes, the realities of high school and college filter over into the workplace, where employees feel that, just like in class, they are able to go to work high or drunk, and that it doesn’t really matter, as long as they do not actually bring the substances onto company property. Of course, that is not true, and company policy dictates that this type of disrespect to themselves and their coworkers could result in injury. Drug and alcohol testing in the workplace is upheld to keep these policies in place, in case such an employee does have this opinion.

Mediscreen provides onsite drug and alcohol testing services all over Australia, and we would love to talk to you about your onsite drug screening requirements. Call us today:  (+61) 1300 79 70 40.

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