Self Styled Publicists

Self Styled PublicistsWe publicize everything we can about our lives, much as if the whole world was waiting for our autobiography to hit the bookshelves. We publicize who we are friends with, we publicize how smart and clever we are, and of course we publicize how good we look. We want to show off our status in the community, whether it is humble or great, simple or ornate, stylistic or basic. We want everyone to know basic facts about us so that they can interact with us on our level and in the ways that we prefer.

A lot of chaos and confusion surrounds people who abuse drugs and alcohol. They are lost in a world where their mental picture of what they should be does not match the end result of what they produce in their lives. Often, both the mental picture and the end productivity are distorted in some way. It is difficult to abuse illicit substances and still maintain a healthy mental attitude all the time.

It is important that we publicize positive things about ourselves, but at the same time avoid publishing anything which is not true. That is the beauty which addicts bring to the picture. They are very good at styling themselves as something which they are not. This leads to lack of trust in relationships and lack of personal responsibility, especially when there is no chance they may be caught.

Workplace drug testing is part of an employee evaluation process which aids in your objective and scientific proof as to the illicit substances your employees may or may not be abusing. It is important to remember that your business is worth a lot more when you use drug and alcohol testing, because its assets are protected a lot more effectively. Mediscreen is NATA accredited for onsite drug and alcohol testing, and our goal is to help you and your business become more proficient in the art of trust and confidence. Also, our job is to assure you of the responsibility and personal guarantee provided by your workers. Publicize your business as one of employee safety and protection. Advertise that you use onsite drug and alcohol screening from Mediscreen: (+61) 1300 79 70 40.

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