Remember the Original Reason for Employee Drug Testing

Onsite Drug And Alcohol Screening, Workplace Drug Testing Laws, Drug Test PerthIt is so easy to become caught up in the mundane little details of our lives, forgetting the purpose for our outings and family get-togethers and business interactions. Drug and alcohol testing is quantified on your balance sheet as an operating expense. Funds must be obtained, a high quality workplace drug testing company, such as Mediscreen, needs to be identified and priced, the testing must be incorporated into the workflow, and results of this data must be processed and analyzed. This is all very well and good, but it is necessary to remember the original reason for employee drug testing: humans.

People are the reason why your business is as successful as it is. People fund your company growth, investing time, energy and innovation into your business processes. People help you become a more talented individual, by creating variety, controversy and challenges. At Mediscreen, the human aspect of onsite drug and alcohol screening is essential in obtaining and keeping our customers. Humans are why drug testing is needed in the first place, and our specialized onsite customer testing representatives ensure quality, convenience and a reduced price on your testing needs.

Throughout your day, you come in contact with bare acquaintances and intimate family members. Studies show that tactile touch, such as hugging, touching and public displays of affection are necessary in order to feel job satisfaction, personal bonding, autonomy in your accomplishments, and a sense of love and belonging in your personal community. Onsite drug and alcohol testing provides face-to-face human interaction with your employees, set up in their familiar and beloved work environment, so that they feel comfortable and safe, as well as reducing their time away from work. All of their personal testing results and data will be stored onsite, that is, your place of business, so that their records are safe and secure in a location where they spend most of their working day.

Onsite drug and alcohol screening is helpful to your need for human interaction and tactile bonding. Rather than sending you and your staff off to a laboratory, which by necessity must remain cold, sterile and off-limits to the general public, our representatives welcome you in your own business, conduct our testing in a timely and efficient manner among familiar surroundings, and pack up and move out as soon as our tasks are completed. At Mediscreen, we do not just value drug and alcohol screening protocol. We respect your humanity. Call us today: (+61) 1300 79 70 40.

“Putting People First for Organizational Success.” JSTOR. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2011.

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