Inner Belief and Hope

“Believe in yourself.” “You can be anything you want to be.” As children, we are told those two phrases a lot, with the belief that we will grow upInner Belief and Hope inspired and driven to accomplish great things. However, as we get older, the conditioning and conventional thinking of those around us are telling, and these dreams are shattered as soon as we have some big scheme to accomplish an outrageous plan, such as starting a new circus or becoming the richest guy in the world, we are quickly squashed in our thinking.

Perhaps, after such discouragement growing up and as adults, the new phrase should be, “Believe in yourself because, after all, no one else will do it for you.”

Jobsites and offices are not just meant to house the great unwashed, as some of us are called. The working masses are not just meant to sit inside of temperature controlled cubicles or to work inside of construction zone tape. There must be growth. There must be challenges, and there must be high amounts of self development. There must be a way out of the system if we need to leave it…a way which does not cost us all of our savings. It is hard, sometimes, to truly separate yourself from your peers or your parents or other very influential people in your life, but it can be done. It should be done.

Inner belief fuels some of the greatest productiveness in society today, and it is crucial in self challenging, mind expanding, labor destroying self fulfillment. That is why companies use drug and alcohol testing today. That is why workplace drug testing is as popular to utilize as it is. We all desire to create and to work within levels of learning. However, people who are substance abusers can really bring down the average of growth in a company. You must, therefore, keep your head held high, and continue utilizing the effective means found in onsite drug and alcohol testing. At Mediscreen, we want you to succeed and we know you can. To find out more about onsite drug and alcohol screening, call us today: (+61) 1300 79 70 40.

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