Factory Work and Seeing the Result of Your Hands

Workplace Drug TestingWhen Henry Ford set up the car line for factory workers to make cars in a straight, smooth process, he acknowledged the fact that many people would not feel the return on the investment of their effort as much as they would if they had worked on an entire car all at once, rather than doing specialized actions over and over again, without seeing the whole process come together and viewing the specific car.

You see, according to Dan Ariely in “The Upside of Irrationality,” humans crave and value most the completed work of their own hands. In fact, the more they complete their work, the more they value it. If, however, you have created an original piece which was left incomplete, then you would be far more likely to value it BELOW the worth you would place on completed objects which other people have created.

In other words, people value the completed work of their hands the most, the completed work of others next, and they value the incomplete work of their own hands the least.

It certainly matters to finish stuff.

Also, it makes a difference to how you see yourself if you are in the habit of failing or not completing things which you start. That is why onsite drug and alcohol testing is so valuable. Workers who do not value the immense amount of worth of their completed goals do not feel the accomplishment and drive to do more in the future. Therefore, by setting a minimum standard of conduct and behavior in the workplace, you are requiring that your employees be competent…or else.

Workplace drug testing deals a lot in what kind of employee you have hired. It also is relevant to how much self control and self discipline they have within themselves. At Mediscreen, we strive to bring you the best of the best, and the results of our hands in the form of scientifically accurate reporting. Remember that when you use onsite drug and alcohol screening from Mediscreen, you will also be storing your employee records at your worksite, as well. This is a great way to ensure employee privacy. Call Mediscreen today: (+61) 1300 79 70 40.

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