Endorphin Rushes and Later Emptiness

Endorphin Rushes and Later EmptinessEndorphin highs are very addictive. First of all, we all experience them to some degree. When you itch, you scratch the itch, thus releasing endorphins to deal with the pain of the scratch, and you feel a small endorphin jolt. However, endorphin highs can come in much greater quantity and intensity. For example, a day of working out at the gym can mean a month’s worth of endorphins loaded into one experience. Man, it sure does feel good to get that kind of endorphin high, not to mention that it is also good for you, too. But, that is not the only kind of high you can get. Drugs create endorphin highs all the time, and this is especially true for illegal narcotics which are designed to specifically prolong the endorphin high and create a dependency upon these endorphin rushes over a longer period of time.

Of course, when you come off of a high, the crash is insanely painful. It’s because the neuro-chemicals in your brain are no longer being stimulated to a high degree, which means that everyday normal brain processes really don’t feel as good as “normal” anymore.

You need to know if your employees are addicted to these substances. If you know, then you are able to do something about it, like get them into an Employee Assistance Program within your business or consider the termination of their employment. While we all value people, you must consider the rest of your employees, their safety, and the safety of their income. Your company relies upon qualified employees in order to keep everyone’s paychecks coming in the first place. The later emptiness which results from an endorphin crash can be calming or just downright irritating. Workers who are required to maintain a professional attitude at all times are not in a position to become addicted to any substances, much less illicit drugs. Workplace drug testing can help give you the data you need in order to make informed decisions about your employees. Onsite drug and alcohol testing takes this process a step further and enables you to do this while at work. This is simple and easy to do. Just call us: (+61) 1300 79 70 40.

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