Employee Drug Screening and Workplace Friendships

Employee Drug Screening and Workplace FriendshipsFriendships are sometimes hard to find and develop, particularly if you find yourself to be a rather quiet person who enjoys the presence of your own company rather than being in a crowd of other people. Good friends are even harder to find, and that goes for everyone. When you work with someone, you may call them your friend, but the truth is that they may be just an acquaintance. They may see you every day, you may pass the time by the water cooler, and the whole situation may be light and friendly, but there is no real depth of meaning or loyalty behind any of your interactions and you may never even see each other outside of the office. It is all a part of the workplace atmosphere and nothing else.

However, you may have true friends at the office or on the jobsite. It may be necessary for you to work to maintain these friendships, particularly if working together makes you inept at keeping the friendship as equal or as healthy as you’d like it to be. This is especially difficult to maintain if one of you is subordinate to the other.

If you have a friend at work and they begin acting…rather strangely…what do you do? You must get help for your friend. It is what is best for them and what is best for you and all the other coworkers. As a company, your business must be well maintained with workers who are safe and reliable, and if someone is abusing drugs or alcohol, then the whole thing can start to be poisoned.

Onsite drug and alcohol testing is part of Mediscreen’s screening program where your employees are tested right there at work. It’s easy and effective, but it also enables business to have their workers tested under otherwise more limited conditions. Now, everyone can be screened, which promotes health and safety. It also promotes protection of your company’s assets. As for your own assets, if your friend is acting abnormally, they may need to be screened in which case it is definitely in their best interests to be tested and evaluated. Then they can receive the help that they need to start living a functional life. Call Mediscreen today to schedule an appointment for onsite drug and alcohol testing: (+61) 1300 79 70 40.

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