Defining Priorities

Workplace Drug Testing LawsGeniuses throughout the centuries have been socially criticised within their time for not having their priorities straight. Albert Einstein frequently did not groom his hair in the morning before beginning work, even his individual style was copied and adopted by the fashion empire. Abraham Lincoln was frequently known as an eccentric, even as a young man, even though in later years his genius was often attached to various social and humanitarian reforms. These are only two of many examples where priorities were perceived as out-of-balance, even when they achieved greater good than otherwise.

Social norms are powerful incentives to do whatever the majority of the population believes is best to do. This is why many ideas of individual genius have been rejected in favour of going with the flow and behaving according to the social norm. Not everyone wishes to risk the humiliation or rejection of public dissension, not to mention potential physical harm if anger is aroused. However, some individuals have clearly more than enough guts to stir up controversy and ride the wave of controversy to their appointed goals. Why are new ideas so publicly maligned, then?

This has to do with the human ability to affect change and the ability to accept change once it has arrived. Many people, especially those with addictive personalities, are strongly opposed to change and all of the risk and potential danger which any change will bring. Change equals uncertainty within their minds, and they often find that they are unable to cope with the possibility of a negative outcome should something go wrong or should something not go according to plan. This can affect a small business just as much as it can affect an entire nation.

However, individuals who accept change are also individuals who understand the nature of change and that it may bring unwanted results. These individuals prepare for such events and often are better at protecting their assets than others who have more difficulty with change and evolving businesses.

Employee drug and alcohol screening is designed to help your employees to accept change, and is designed to help you identify the ones who may have more difficulty accepting change. Call Mediscreen today for information on onsite drug and alcohol testing in Australia: (+61) 1300 79 70 40.

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