Mediscreen’s Saliva Testing Protocol as per Australian Standards AS/NZ 4308:2008 and AS 4760:2006

The onsite saliva test

The saliva test is a minimally invasive form of drug testing. Providing the most rapid results for drug and alcohol detection, result can be seen in as little as 5 – 8 minutes after the sample is collected. The accuracy rate with high quality saliva tests can be as high as 99%. However, as per Australian Standards AS/NZS 4308:2008 and AS 4760:2006, ‘presumptive positive’ samples are required for further clinical testing at our accredited Toxicology Laboratory for confirmation. With samples that have been confirmed at the lab, the results are usually returned to the company within 24-48 hours. In some instances, the results can be delivered the same day.

Confirmatory lab testing

To provide greater defensibility in the event of court proceedings, our lab testing or “confirmatory laboratory testing” is a necessary measure to ensure the integrity of the sample and test procedure. It also eliminates the possibility of false positive results (which can happen, but very rarely). Our laboratory drug confirmations also provides a more confidential way to test employees to ensure privacy rights are safeguarded.

Protocol for a presumptive positive and negative screening

If a sample is tested ‘presumptive positive’ onsite, the normative protocol is to have the tested employee sent home or stood down until further lab results are confirmed. Conversely, if an employee or test subject produces a negative screening sample, they are permitted to resume work duties immediately.

Testing credentials

Some companies prefer to deploy their workplace drug and alcohol testing program in-house.  In order to perform an onsite drug test within your workplace, a collector should be trained as per the AS/NZ 4308:2008 and/or AS 4760:2006.* A recommended alternative to complicated in-house testing is to enlist the services of a professional screening provider, such as Mediscreen.

Testing times

One of the provisions stipulated in the Australian Standards is that testing can be administered any time during scheduled work times.

For more information about our onsite testing capabilities or laboratory confirmatory testing services, please call our expert Mediscreen team on 1300 79 70 40.

* Mediscreen provides accredited VETAB training courses through our sister company, CMM Technology™.

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