Systems and Their Success

Drug Testing Australia, Workplace Drug Testing, Drug Testing EquipmentImagine that you are a kid again, and that you have been given a set of building blocks or Lego® bricks. You sit down in the middle of the living room floor and you build and build and build. It’s a good thing. Unfortunately, companies built by adults often pick individual people and create positions for them, rather than building a business system and then plugging qualified employees into the process as a whole. It is this system of business plan implementation that is the trademark of any successful large world class company. Drug and alcohol testing is only one process among many which are a part of your overall business plan. Onsite drug and alcohol screening should be considered when evaluating budgets and time away from work.

These business systems which put the process first, and the job role second, are successful for a reason. When individual employees are promoted out of their competency level and established in created positions outside of the company norm, this costs money and time and human skill and it wastes productivity which could be used in your business plan. Never underestimate how useful an excellent manager of your workplace drug testing program could be if they are the right candidate for the job, and never underestimate how useless, time consuming and revenue depleting they can be if you have put them in a role for which they are not trained and which do not utilize their people skills in the best way.

Again, the business system itself should be top priority to the entrepreneur or company owner who has set the company up in the first place. However much they would like to give everyone a job and satisfactory employment, their primary business aim should come first and the only way to make their aim a success is to develop the plan, the structure, and the caveats first, before hiring employees. If the business is dependent upon individual people, then once they leave or are promoted to a different location, the company suffers or fails. The organization has to be dependent upon an ever-growing, ever-increasing system and strategy, and use its employees as the technicians to do the work. This is why a flexible workplace drug testing program is such an asset in today’s world. The information age has made it possible for these human resources in your company to be evaluated scientifically in order to ensure the success of your business system. Contact Mediscreen today to find out more about onsite drug and alcohol testing in your business: (+61) 1300 79 70 40.

“ScienceDirect – Journal of World Business : Creating and sharing knowledge within a transnational team: the development of a global business system.” ScienceDirect – Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2011.

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