Rising to Challenges Beyond Your Abilities

Rising to Challenges Beyond Your AbilitiesWhen you find challenges beyond your abilities, you have two choices: You can either give up and find a way to have challenges within your skill range or you can meet this challenge as a learning experience, i.e. a way to grow your current abilities past what they are now. Rising to challenges beyond your abilities is a really great way to increase your standards, increase your knowledge, and really make more of yourself than you were before. In this day and age of no coming-of-age ceremonies and very few rites of passage, it is nice to still have these challenges which draw us toward them like moths to a flame. It is nice to know that we, as humans, have so many difficulties so that we can grow ourselves and overcome them on a regular basis. So what if you don’t get it the first time around? So what if you keep failing until the tenth time you do it? It doesn’t matter. Rising to challenges beyond what you are capable of is great. It means excitement, a fresh crispness to the air, and a new outlook on life as we know it. It means that you are going to be successful soon…perhaps not right away, but very…very soon.

Today, we congratulate businesses which choose to use workplace drug testing, even if workplace drug test laws are not in effect for their industry. It shows a responsibility of character and a pride in your company when your employees have the benefit of onsite drug and alcohol testing, as opposed to regular laboratory screening. In fact, onsite drug and alcohol screening is one of the best ways that you can simultaneously protect your business and your employees. It guarantees you the accurate data that you need to have at your fingertips in order to make important decisions. It also means that drug screening will help to improve the overall professionalism in your business, rather than treating it as a hangout for some lower level employees. It demands standards and, whether or not you get them, it helps you to set minimum behavior requirements. To find out more about alcohol and drug testing from Mediscreen, call us today: (+61) 1300 79 70 40.

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