Quality Beats Quantity Every Time

Have you ever had a coworker or a subordinate who always ACTED busy and was always doing something without ever really accomplishing a thing? Quality Beats Quantity Every TimeWhen someone occupies their time with “busy work” rather than relevant work, this is a waste of your time and theirs. It is saying, “My presence is more important than any actual accomplishment that I bring to your company.” This is an insult to their paycheck and to your expense account.

When it comes to workplace drug testing, we here at Mediscreen believe that quality trumps quantity each and every time. If we did not hold to this belief, then we would spread ourselves very thin doing a lot of drug screening using low quality instruments and untrained personnel. Well, that would really improve our reputation! No, instead, we focus on bringing our group of clients the best drug testing equipment and onsite drug and alcohol screening services that we can possibly imagine. Alcohol and drug testing must be accurate and the process must be high quality, otherwise the data given to you about each of your employees would be false or skewed in some way. That would be a very dangerous practice to keep up, so we at Mediscreen believe in quality work, and save the quantity or amount of work as a secondary priority.

Workplace drug testing laws are not just some insane bureaucratic ploy to keep free enterprise down. Instead, drug screening is effectively used to protect passengers in an aircraft or mine workers who already have a dangerous job. It is used to protect small boats and vehicles in transportation from an irresponsible driver. Drug and alcohol testing is necessary and we seek to make it simple and even, dare we say, enjoyable! Alright, we understand. That was a little too far. We do, however, believe that it can be simple and easy.

In our minds, quality beats quantity every time. When it comes to employee testing, we want to make your data count. That is why we offer our services all over Australia. For more information about our testing services, visit our website or call us today: (+61) 1300 79 70 40.

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