New Fears, Old Fears

New Fears, Old FearsFear is itself a nasty little bugger. However, we often learn to live with the fears which we have developed over the years. These are our children which we feel very comfortable with. Sometimes, it is less scary to hold on to those old fears than it is to let them go and get some relief. Old fears can become part of your identity over time, and they can form deep ruts in your mind where your thoughts continually travel over and over until those beliefs are deep entrenched.

Now, let’s look at new fears. They are never in our brains instead of old fears, but always added on top of old fears. This means that new fears are an extra burden. They bring in extra heartache and pain. They add on top of old problems. The result can seem and actually be overwhelming.

What do you do when your employees are suffering from this passive sort of depression? The first thing is to make sure that this is simply not a reaction from abuse! It’s that simple. Drug and alcohol testing gives you the tools you need to know just how happy and healthy your workers really are. You can ask them. They may not want to or choose to tell you the truth or what is going on in their lives or what sort of help they need. But you can still find out from a reliable, scientific source. Does your business have an Employee Assistance Program? Make use of it!

Help your employees get the help that they need in order to not pile on more fears and to not add fears to each other’s lives. Help your workers help themselves by pinning down and identifying those who are abusing substances while on the worksite. That is one of the best things you can do for morale. And morale wipes away fear. It takes the cloudy skies away and replaces them with bright blue hope. Today, have a look at the onsite drug and alcohol testing solutions offered by Mediscreen. We might be just what your business is looking for. Give us a call today: (+61) 1300 79 70 40.

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